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Painting by Zeshin (1807-1891)
Kamakura period painting
Kamakura period wood carving statue
A miniature lacquer palanquin
Painting of a woman, attributed by Iwasa Matabei (1578-1650)
Painting by Shiko Munakata
Zen painting by Nantenbo Nakahara (1839-1925)
Netsuke carving of an old man holding a long cloth
Netsuke carving of a hermit carrying a monkey on his shoulder
Netsuke carving of a transformed fox
Suit of armour with Igaboshi helmet
Zen painting by Nantenbo (1839-1925)
Fuchi Kashira set
Fuchi-Kashira set
17th-18th century O-Tanto (long Tanto)
16th century Samurai long sword Tachi in Koshirae mounts
15th century Bizen Tachi blade in Ito-maki Tachi mounts
Fuchi Kashira
Kozuka with
Yoshioka school ShakudoTsuba
Soten Tsuba
Tsuba with incised characters
Cloisonne Tsuba
Cloisonne Kozuka
Kyo-Sukashi Tsuba (sword guard)
Namban Tsuba (sword guard)
Large Thai pottery pedestal pot with painted ornament